Leasing Tip of the Day: The Game-Changing Phrase You Need to Know
Leasing Tip of the Day: The Game-Changing Phrase You Need to Know
Remember how I always emphasize the power of confidence in leasing? Well, here’s a prime example of that in action: When discussing rent rates with your prospects, always say “the rent is…” instead of “we’re asking…” Why? Because the words we choose can make all the difference in how negotiations play out.
Think about it: “Giving” someone the rent rates implies a gift, something non-negotiable and fixed. It sets the tone for a confident, fact-based discussion. But if you “quote” the rent, you’re signaling that it’s up for negotiation. Who wants that?
So, next time you’re talking numbers with a prospect, stand tall, and confidently declare, “The rent is…” You’re not asking; you’re telling. It’s your time to shine and set the stage for a balanced conversation.
Stay confident, stay empowered, and keep leasing like the rockstar you are!
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