Leasing Tip of the Day: The Canvassing Flyer Isn’t Just A Piece of Paper

Leasing Tip of the Day: The Canvassing Flyer Isn’t Just A Piece of Paper

The initial conversation with a potential tenant is just the beginning. That’s where the magic of a well-crafted canvassing flyer comes into play. Unlike the fleeting nature of a business card, a great flyer is your key to continuing the conversation long after the initial handshake.

Imagine walking into a potential tenant’s space, flyer in hand, confidently stating, “Hi there, I lease six centers in this area…what are your expansion plans?” This approach is non-threatening and empowers the prospect to envision how you might assist in their growth.

A stellar flyer does more than just introduce your property; it serves as a visual and informative tool that highlights key demographics, traffic counts, and the unique features of your property. It’s not just about listing vacancies; it’s about showcasing your spaces in a way that speaks directly to the needs of your prospective tenants. Think of it as a visual elevator pitch that leaves a lasting impression.

And here’s a ROCKSTAR TIP for those worried about their design skills: leverage tools like Canva or seek affordable help on platforms like Fiverr. Remember, the goal is to create an effective flyer, not to spend hours on design.

So, take this leasing tip to heart: your canvassing flyer is not just a piece of paper; it’s the opening chapter of a success story waiting to be written. Let it speak for you and watch as it turns prospects into partners.

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