Leasing Tip of the Day: The Art of Building Relationships

If you’re in retail real estate like me, you know that the action happens at the International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) events. These gatherings are the goldmine for networking and building connections in our industry. With over 200 of these events happening each year, there’s really no excuse not to be a part of them, especially the local ones right in your backyard.

Local and regional ICSC events are where the magic begins. Sure, ICSC boasts a massive membership of over 70,000 people, but these smaller events usually bring together just a hundred or so attendees. It’s the perfect opportunity to sharpen your networking skills and expand your circle of industry insiders. Set a goal to meet at least 20 new faces at each local ICSC event – trust me, that’s a Rockstar-worthy aim!

The national ICSC events might seem a bit intimidating at first, not to mention expensive. But believe me, they’re worth every penny and effort you put in. These are the folks who can make your year with just a couple of productive meetings. The big retailers, the financiers, the best vendors, the investors – they’re all there. Plan your conference meticulously by arranging meetings in advance, and remember, personalized outreach is key, none of that email-blasting nonsense.

Networking doesn’t just happen within the conference walls; it starts even before you land at the venue or the airport pub. Strike up conversations with fellow travelers – chances are, they’re headed to the conference, too. And don’t stick to your comfort zone; branch out and meet new people. One of my pet peeves is when folks spend the conference hanging out with their existing buddies – that’s a missed opportunity.

Now, if you’re feeling ambitious, set a goal to meet 50 new people per day – go big or go home, right? Even if you end up with only a fraction of that, it’s still a win. Remember to smile, approach those standing alone, and be open to volunteering on an ICSC committee. You can also create your rookie dinner to ensure you’re not excluded from the ‘big’ dinners.

Lastly, don’t forget the power of sending a heartfelt Thank You note after the conference. Handwritten ones, mind you! It’s all about who knows you in this industry, and this thoughtful gesture will set you apart from the crowd.

So there you have it, folks, my take on making the most out of industry events. Happy networking, and go be a Rockstar!

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