Canvassing is the secret sauce to filling spaces—but success starts before you hit the streets. Here’s how to set yourself up for wins:
- Do Your Homework: Use a “Top 5 Uses” form to identify the best prospects for your spaces. Match uses to square footage, consider second-generation opportunities, and check for any exclusives or restrictions.
- Tell Everyone: Share your vacancies with friends, family, and anyone who will listen. Some of my best leads have come from casual conversations!
- Go Prepared: Bring clear, visually engaging flyers with relevant details—especially for built-out spaces. Bonus points if they include a map of all your centers!
- Canvass in Pairs: It’s more fun and keeps you accountable. Plus, having a buddy motivates you to show up.
- Stay Open: Skip the GPS sometimes. Wander. Opportunities are everywhere—if you’re paying attention. I once turned a warehouse business into a thriving tenant just by noticing their lawn signs!
- Leave Your Mark: If a store is closed, don’t walk away. Write a note on your flyer (use a bold Sharpie) and slip it under the door.
Canvassing isn’t just about finding tenants—it’s about staying curious, building relationships, and keeping your eyes open to what’s right in front of you. So prep, partner up, and don’t be afraid to get a little lost. You’ll find more than you expect!
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