“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin
Hi guys and gals!
It’s just two months until RECON 2017! Are you preparing?
Here are the top 5 tips to make sure you have a fabulous conference!
- Pick the top 20 retailers you want to meet with at the show (I know that’s light for some of you, but hang with me here).
- Check to see if they are registered HERE. Obvious, right?
- Research the retailer. Spend 20 minutes looking at their website, annual report, site submittal requirements, LinkedIn page, Facebook page (yes, Facebook page – for the representative; not the company), and Twitter account if they have one. “Google alert” them; the representative and the company. Yes, 20 min x 20 retailers = 400 minutes or almost 7 hours… Easy Peasy! Do it today!
- When you are convinced that your property would be a good match for them by everything you read, complete and submit a THOROUGH site submittal package and follow their package requirements to a “T”,
- Only then, request an appointment at RECON
While you are doing the research, you may determine on your own that this retailer doesn’t fit your property based on their requirements. You can still send the package but communicate in the cover letter or email, that you have done the research and even though they have a requirement of a daytime population of “X” and you only have “Y”, this is the reason you sent it anyway.
I promise you, if you put in the work, you will get the appointment. The retailers grouse all the time that we leasing agents do not do our homework . They say the ones that do, get faster responses!
“Show that you did some tenant-specific advance prep for the meeting.” – From a National Retailer with over 150 locations.
Let’s do our homework people! Let’s have the best Recon show ever!
Prepare! Prepare! Prepare!! Let me know if you have any great tips for RECON prep!