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Get the best of The Canvassing Queen® Beth Azor with her two books, ‘Don’t Say No For The Prospect’ and ‘The Retail Leasing Playbook.’ Beth Azor, a 33-year veteran of the commercial real estate industry, owns Azor Advisory Services, which specializes in consulting services, training, sales/leadership coaching, acquisition due diligence, and market analysis.
Beth owns and manages a significant portfolio of commercial retail properties in southeast Florida and recently wrote these two books to help and guide, providing insights and strategies to elevate the careers of both novice and experienced leasing agents. Beth is also a frequent guest on business and commercial real estate podcasts.
Her clients include Brixmor Properties, Urban Edge Properties, The Shopping Center Group, Phillips Edison, Kimco Realty, and DLC Management Group. A graduate of FSU, Ms. Azor is the past Chairman of the Board and Founder of the FSU Real Estate Foundation.
In ‘The Retail Leasing Playbook’, Beth Azor literally peels back the curtain on the strategies that she personally developed (and followed) to go from a retail leasing intern in 1986 to having her own $80+ million retail real estate empire today. With inspiring stories, from-the-trenches techniques, tools & templates, The Retail Leasing Playbook is THE ULTIMATE ROADMAP for retailleasing agents seeking success. Drawing on decades of retail leasing experience, this step-by-step guidebook offers clear instructions that every aspiring retail leasing agent can adapt to jumpstart their own career. Beth’s from-the-heart wisdom and relatable wit are captured on each page, making this book a very readable and yet comprehensive instruction manual on how to go from a retail leasing rookie to a rockstar in just a few months. Florida Sales Tax & Shipping is Included.
Retail Real Estate Icon Beth Azor has been teaching sales teams how to go from no to yes for decades. Written in first person and full of humorous and personal anecdotes, ‘Don’t Say No For The Prospect’ is a how-to manual on overcoming fear and negative self-talk. Using humor and personal anecdotes from her own retail leasing career, ‘Don’t Say No For The Prospect’ describes all of the conscious and unconscious ways we delay the ask and sabotage our own sales efforts. Considered a must-read for every retail leasing agent, ‘Don’t Say No For The Prospect’ has become the definitive framework for creating real and lasting trust between leasing agent, prospect, and property owner, Florida Sales Tax & Shipping, is included.
Get the best of The Canvassing Queen@ Beth Azor with her two books, Don’t Say No For The Prospect and The Retail Leasing Playbook. Beth Azor is a 33-year veteran of the commercial real estate industry, owns Azor Advisory Services, which specializes in consulting services, training, sales/leadership coaching, acquisition due diligence, and market analysis. Beth owns and manages a $79,000,000 portfolio of commercial retail properties in southeast Florida and recently wrote and published ‘Don’t Say No For The Prospect’, a guide to help propel the career of both novice and experienced leasing agents. Beth is also a frequent guest on business and commercial real estate podcasts and hosts a monthly Rockstar book club call where they review non-fiction business-related books. Her clients include Brixmor Properties, Urban Edge Properties, The Shopping Center Group, Phillips Edison, Kimco Realty, and DLC Management Croup. A graduate of FSU, Ms. Azor is the past Chairman of the Board and Founder of the FSU Real Estate Foundation. Florida Sales Tax & Shipping is Included.
Beth Azor, thank you. Many of the techniques and ideas you gave me in your Rockstar training have inspired me to improve and continue to grow in my career. You and Debbie Harms are remarkable leaders in our industry and I'm lucky to know you both and call you my friends.
After seeing Beth present in Las Vegas, we engaged her coaching services. She has provided insight, to both new and seasoned leasing broker, which results in increased revenue, deal flow, and better service to our clients. I cannot overstate the value she created for us.
I attended your session at the Atlanta ICSC on using Facebook and Linked In for canvassing and have already used your ideas with some great results! I have a proposal out to one retailer now that I think will wind up going to lease. So thank you very much for the great ideas! I've attended your sessions at other ICSC meetings and always get at least one or two great ideas!
I've attended many such leasing seminars and taught several more for the ICSC at both Wharton and The Kellogg Center and this was the most productive. Even for a crusty old broker like me with 43 years of experience it was possible to garner some new tips. Keep up the good work and thanks for visiting with us at INLAND!
Thank you again for coming in and working with our team. As great as your reputation is, I was not expecting to learn as much as I did. Your canvassing tips were basic and brilliant, but your macro ideas for increasing value in shopping centers were extremely insightful and helpful. Our managing partners were energized by your "back to the basics" approach. I expect to evaluate future acquisitions with a new appreciation for powerful local tenants. I look forward to watching your strategies get implemented in our firm, and expect to work with you more in the future.
One of if not the most effective speaker, presentation I have participated in during my entire real estate career. If you have shopping center space that needs to be leased, then you MUST, I repeat MUST pay yourself first by working with Beth. Her experience, understanding of our industry, the challenges and opportunities is well synthesized in her presentation. Best yet, the results are immediate — the enthusiasm, energy and excitement to take advantage of everything Beth discusses is electrifying throughout our entire leasing team, top down.!
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