Leasing Tip of the Day: Before You Do Anything—Know Your Market!
Want to know the very first step to being a successful leasing agent? Get in your car and hit the streets.
I drive by my properties every single day. Why? Because I want to see what’s happening with my own eyes. Lines out the door? Closing sales? New “For Lease” signs? These are the clues that tell you where the opportunities—and the challenges—are hiding.
Before you make a call. Before you send an email. Before you pitch a prospect. You better know your market inside and out.
That means:
✅ Drive every center.
✅ Walk every competitor’s property.
✅ Call the brokers on the signs.
✅ Pay attention to what’s working—and what’s not.
This is not a copy-and-paste-from-Google exercise. A proper market study is boots on the ground, real-world research. Because when that prospect starts negotiating with you on rent and says, “But the center down the street is charging less,” you don’t need chutzpah—you need FACTS.
The only way to negotiate from a place of power is to know more than your prospect. More than your tenant. More than your own owner.
So, Leasing Rockstars, if you haven’t done a deep dive into your market lately, stop everything and START HERE. Then watch how your confidence—and your deals—take off!
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