Leasing Tip of the Day: Turn Rejection into Profit, It’s Not About You!

Leasing Tip of the Day: Turn Rejection into Profit, It’s Not About You!

Worried about rejection? You’re not alone! Rejection stings for most people, but not for Rockstars. Here’s why: Rockstars know that when a prospect or tenant says “no,” it’s almost never about them personally.

Is your rental rate about you as a person? Is the location or CAM charges a reflection of your character? Absolutely not! The rejection of your offer has nothing to do with you, so don’t take it personally. If you do, you’ll be in for a painful journey.

Rule number 1: Never confuse a prospect’s refusal with a rejection of you. Even if they’re rude, it’s not about you—they’re probably having a bad day, or they didn’t like the agent before you. They don’t even know you!

Instead, treat every rejection as a chance to learn more about your prospect’s needs. And here’s a pro tip: Assign a dollar value to each cold call. For instance, if you know it takes 100 calls to get a lease signed and your average commission is $3,000, each “no” is worth $30.

The next time someone says “no,” thank them for the cash! You’ll feel better, and it’ll keep you motivated.

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