Leasing Tip of the Day: Why Social Media is Non-Negotiable

In today’s fast-paced business world, you can’t afford to miss out on the incredible opportunities that social media offers. It’s like the essential reading you couldn’t skip in college – it’s a must-do! Let me tell you why.

Connections are the lifeblood of our industry, and social media is the goldmine where you strike it rich. It’s not only the largest source of this precious currency, but it’s also the quickest and easiest way to tap into it.

Think about it – in the 21st century, social media has replaced the water cooler chats, the cozy kitchen table conversations, and even the after-work happy hours. If you’re not on social media or if you’re not using it effectively, you’re missing out on connecting with billions of people every day.

Social media is like networking on steroids. It’s the tool you use to share your expertise and provide value to a vast audience. Sharing tips and insights is my way of giving back and expanding my network.

It’s also a fantastic way to identify your prospects – those who are genuinely interested in what you have to say. And don’t underestimate its power as a launchpad for testing new ideas and building rapport.

When you’re about to meet someone for the first time, checking their social media profile can give you a head start. It’s a great icebreaker, a way to find common ground, or simply something to ask about.

And if you’re trying to reach national retailers, LinkedIn is your secret weapon. Sending a direct message sets you apart from the crowded inbox clamoring for attention.

Here’s my personal tip: Be authentic. Don’t delegate your social media to someone else, especially a younger staff member. Authenticity shines through, and your posts should reflect your voice.

But remember, social media isn’t for property listings or mindless article sharing. It’s about engaging, sharing your thoughts, and standing out in a sea of agents. Don’t let your profile be silent – share your unique point of view with the world!

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